ile."> C'mon in and stay a while.
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    Just when I've convinced myself that no publisher or agent will be interested in a collection of personal essays and memoirs from some unknown writer, and I decide to break up the collection and try to sell it in other ways, I just can't let go. I've been considering writing for Associated Content and also looking into paid blogging. I know you're thinking that I don't even update my own blog often enough as it is, but being paid and under some deadline might be just the kick I need. The problem I have? Rights. I just don't want to give up any rights to my work to a non-traditional publisher. I just don't feel like I can trust them. I really love most of the stuff I've put up on my website and, although I realize much of it would need to be edited and rewritten to be truly publishable, I'm willing to do that. I'd just hate for those essays to be in the hands of some internet content producer and unavailable to use in my book. It may be time to take a fresh look at them all, including many I haven't released yet, bundle them all up and ship them off to the real world. Nothing to lose, right? I just want it to be right. I want to make the best decision. 

    And I want to sign on with someone who will publish Young Adult Novel also.

    See, there's just no satisfying me, is there?

    AND, happy Thanksgiving.

    AND, I ordered Black Duck by Janet Taylor Lisle from Amazon because I couldn't find it elsewhere and I also needed a few more dollars on my order to qualify for free shipping. What did I order initially? Vince Guaraldi's A Charlie Brown Christmas in SURROUND SOUND! Whoo, Baby, I can't wait for that package to arrive.

    John Chambers 2011